Saturday, May 5, 2012

All Aboard.

You can see the bus inching closer and closer to your bus stop. Which is unusually crowded with...strangers? No, all of these faces are somewhat familiar, and you feel at ease around them.
The bus finally gets here, and everybody clambers in. You pay your fare and find a seat, as does everyone else.

And then an unexplainable feeling of peace, calm and happiness hits you in the face. Around these people, you feel like nothing is wrong with the world; nothing could ever be. You look around and you see them smiling, and happily chatting away about nothing in particular.

What seemed like the best bus ride you've ever had, comes to an end forty-five or so minutes later, when the bus creeps and finally halts at your destination.
Surprisingly, everyone in the bus gets up and leaves at this very stop. Again, you're in the middle of a large crowd of familiar faces at a bus stop.
Slowly, the crowd disperses. All the faces disappear as the people slowly trickle away in their respective directions, most likely never to be seen again.

And you're all alone at your bus stop, wondering what the hell happened.


No, Radiohead did not bring this about. No, this is not yet another one of my wacko dreams.

The thought has been gnawing away at my conscience for a while now: The notion that people don't matter. The temporariness of it all just, I dunno, frustrates me.

"Certain things they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone. I know that's impossible, but it's too bad anyway."

Often I find myself wondering why we always seek solace in things that are temporary. Friends forever? No thank you. Soon everyone's going to start trickling away in different directions, never to be heard from again.
People come and go as they please. Nothing "lasts forever".

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