Friday, May 4, 2012

#50: In which I babble about anime. This post is quite skippable.

50+ posts, and not a single one about anime? INCONCEIVABLE.

A while ago, I was ticking off all the anime I'd watched at some point of time on a checklist I found, and I found out I've watched 49 anime shows [completely or otherwise]. Some of them weren't even on the list, so my grand total comes up to over 50 shows. Probably.

Dear Pre-9th std. Snickerdoodle,

You had no life. How did you manage to pass all those classes? What the hell man. That's unhealthy.

12th std. Snickerdoodle.

Most people seem to think that anime is juvenile. The logic is that anime is a bunch of cartoons, and cartoons are for kids. Hence QED.
Archer is a cartoon show. Archer is also probably the last show any sensible parent would let their kid watch. But it's a brilliant show, nevertheless.
The same goes for Death Note, an anime. Which also happens to be a psychological thriller about a guy who finds a notebook, which kills off the person whose name you decide to write in the book.
And hentai. Is hentai for kids? Didn't think so.
There shouldn't be anything wrong with enjoying watching anime and cartoons, regardless of age.

I like anime. I like manga. I like Jpop, Kpop and the whole lot. I like Vocaloid. I like Touhou Project.

That being said, I do not like every anime I've watched, or every manga I've read. For every good anime show out there, there's at least a hundred crappy ones. There's dozens of Jpop, Kpop and Vocaloid songs I hate. And many of the levels of Touhou make my eyes hurt.
I don't get it. People think that just because I like anime, I must like every anime that exists. I like music, but I don't like all the music that has been produced so far.


Edit: This video. OMG. Touhou fans are crazy.

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