Friday, January 20, 2012

#40: Closure.

I know I should have written this much earlier. But hell, here goes nothing.

Dear Math,

It's over. We're finished.

To be honest, there was never really anything between us to begin with, was there?

Sure, we've had some good times, but let's be honest: The bad times outweigh the good. Remember linear equations back in 7th grade? That was, by far, my most fun experience with you.

But that's where it ended.
Things have, since, just gone further and further downhill. Finding x is fun sometimes, but I cannot spend my entire life trying to find it. Seriously, how do you manage to keep losing it again and again? And I don't think I'll ever use binomial theorem in my life again. Can't you see how impractical it is for me?
Honestly, I find it quite unbelievable that we could tolerate each other for so long.

I don't know how else to say this, but: You are very complex. Far too complex for an idiot like me. Quite frankly, we ever never meant to be. I can no longer pretend I actually understand you.
I'm sorry Quadratic Equations, Trigonometry, Limits, but this pretense has gone on long enough. You'll find someone else- you'll find a whole lot of someone elses- far better than I could ever be.

All my regards,


Walten Tiern said...

The Trinity of Four is in full operation, then?

Snickerdoodle said...

Of course, yes.