Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#1.732: How's that for fried gold?

[Tim, Daisy and Brian have all just watched the original Star Wars trilogy
Tim: Brian, did you notice that everything that transpired in those three films - and I *mean* everything - can be attributed to the actions of one very *minor* character? 
Brian: Who? 
Tim: The gunner on the Star Destroyer at the beginning of the first film. 
Brian: How come? 
Tim: [know-it-all] Well. Hmmhmmhmm. Because, if the gunner *had* shot the pod that C-3P0 and R2 were in, they wouldn't have got to Tatooine, they wouldn't have met Luke, Luke wouldn't have met Ben, they wouldn't have met Han and Chewie, they wouldn't have rescued Princess Leia. *None* of it would have happened. 

Spaced is the quintessential geek show if there ever was one.

Brb. Rewatching.

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