Friday, January 4, 2013

Weekend Update. Just not as hilarious as SNL.

This past week has been very eventful, to say the least.

Sony stopped manufacturing the PlayStation 2 sometime last week.
A moment of silence, please.
:'Amazing Grace' on bagpipes plays in the background; tears etc.:
The most successful gaming console of all time, the ps2 also has the sole distinction of being the only gaming console that I own. Many summers were spent sitting in front of the TV, armed with my trusty controller, perfecting my backhand and my Kamehameha. It seems as if it was only yesterday that I beat everyone else's ass at Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and Sega Tennis, and failed miserably at God of War and FIFA '11. But, no matter how terrible a gamer I might be, the ps2 shall always hold a special place in my heart.
Thanks for the memories. ;_;

I also decided that I'd had enough of botany for a lifetime and had an impromptu coming-of-age movie marathon, starting with The Breakfast Club and The Graduate, and ending in a big, sobbing mess of tears and feelings. God. See what trying to live out your entire teenage life through movies in a single day does to you?
One of the movies watched that day was 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', based on the book of the same name. I'd read the book sometime in 11th std. (Yes, 'std.'. Not grade. Yuck. 'Grade' feels so pretentious.)
It was a nice read, and I'll admit it got me through some pretty bad times. It's in the form of letters to an unnamed girl from a boy who calls himself Charlie. The book is about, well, high school, growing up, relationships, friends, the whole shebang.
It references Catcher in the Rye, The Smiths, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and the scene with them dancing to "Come on Eileen" is hilarious.
You ever get the feeling a movie was custom made just to suit your likes and dislikes? Throughout the movie, I was thinking, "Holy shit. Catcher in the Rye, The Smiths AND The Rocky Horror Picture Show in a single movie. This is actually happening. Woooow."
Besides all that, the movie was quite alright. It's a good adaptation of the book. Full of quotable quotes. I liked it, somewhat better than the book in fact. The characters really came to life in the movie, and Ezra Miller was completely awesome as Patrick.

Okay, I'll go now. Botany is the devil incarnate. I'm pretty sure that in the depths of hell, there exists a hellhound with each of its heads named Holard, Echard and Chresard.

Edit: I made a playlist! Check it or so help me God I'll eat you  :]
Edit #2: 100th post! Woohoo!

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