Monday, June 27, 2011

On being locked out of my own house and stuff.

"If something can go wrong, it will.
If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.
Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."

It's amazing, the number of situations these three laws can apply to. I take my hat off to you, Murphy. Kudos.

Take today, for example.
I lost my seat in the van for arriving 3 seconds late. As a result, i had to take the unhygienic back seat of my van, notorious for being as hard as a granite slab and the most preferred place for toddlers to throw up in.

After about 40 minutes of bouncing around on the Hardest Material Known to Man, i got home. Only to find that it was locked.

Did i mention i had no key?

We don't believe in leaving spare keys under the mat, or wherever. For fear that the dog might eat them. He'll eat anything. Once, he polished off an entire wooden spatula.
My mum couldn't help either. She was in the middle of administering anaesthesia to a pregnant woman undergoing a C-section. What perfect timing.

And it's usually during sticky situations like these that one badly needs to take a piss.
My situation wasn't any different.

And so i did what any panicky, high-school girl with a full bladder would do. I RAN.

I ran, clutching my novel in one hand and my blazer in the other, school bag flying out behind me like some funky parachute, to a mall that's a few minutes from my house. I didn't stop to think that maybe my neighbours would be kind enough to let me use their loo.
In my defense, situations like these don't leave you any time to think!

That was hopefully the LAST time i'll ever have to run like that.


Walten Tiern said...

all reactions, opinions and comments aside... why were you updating your blog at four-thirty in the morning?!

Snickerdoodle said...

Was I?

Darn these time zones. I'll fix them someday. :[