Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Z is for Zero, the number of fucks I give.

I'm dropping a couple of f-bombs here and there. Be warned.

So I was travelling by auto the other day.
Autos aren't my preferred mode of travel. They're mighty expensive, and it is especially a NIGHTMARE for curly-haired people such as yours truly. Travelling even a pithy 2km by auto makes my hair look like tumbleweed from one of those westerns.
I happened to be travelling extra that day. So I came prepared against the wind, with my hair tied up "neatly" and everything. EVEN so, the wind managed to screw up my hair.
After what seemed like a never-ending wrestling match with the bloody hurricane in order to keep my hair restrained, I decided I didn't give a fuck and let it fly.
Fly into my eyes and nostrils. If you'd seen me then, you would have died laughing.
Wind- 1, Mollika- 0.

Which brings me to the point of today's post: "I don't give a fuck."

If I were to sum up my life up to this point, I'd say it's composed of 75% missed opportunities, 5% sickness and 20% pure, unadulterated happiness. My life is, if a bit excessively, peppered with missed opportunities; Risks not taken, all ranging from not speaking up in class and eventually losing out on something spectacular, to chickening out on the penultimate question of a quiz and losing by a difference of 2 points.

If I had a dollar for every chance I've given up till today. Oh boy...

I guess this sort of behaviour stems from my fear of being judged harshly.
Keeping up appearances is one of man's many obsessions, apart from gardening, alcohol and the sports section of the newspaper. With the constant need to keep up appearances and be accepted in society comes the need to constantly criticise and belittle anyone else. Everybody has an opinion about everyone, regardless of whether it's a good one or a bad one. No one cares if feelings are being hurt in the process.
Every decision is made keeping in mind that ubiquitous question:

"What will everyone else think?"

That question is like a resilient parasite, feeding on the conscience of human minds. It has crushed aspirations and screwed up the general decision-making ability that humans possess.
In short, it has turned the entire human population into cowards. I'm no exception.

Why didn't I speak up in class when I knew the answers?
Because I thought I'd probably get them wrong and be ridiculed by everyone.

Why did I chicken out on the last question of that quiz?
Because I didn't want to risk losing points on it.

Come to think of it, if I HAD answered that Q, we might have won. But NOO. Molly's too chicken to take risks.

Enough, I say!
Screw what everyone else thinks. It's time we started listening to ourselves for a change.

It's time we started taking chances. We'd never really know whether we were right or wrong if we didn't try.
What's the point of avoiding risks? So we can make it safely to death?
Needless to say, I do not approve.

It's high time we stopped giving a fuck what anybody thinks.

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