Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Blogging - for me at least - is like exercising. Or dieting.
It requires willpower, something I have almost none of. For example, I will update my blog everyday for a while, with full enthu posts about what I bought at the supermarket, or how badly I had to pee but I was locked out of my house. Gradually, the posts become as dull and boring as cornflakes that have been soaking in milk for too long.
And then they just stop.

I haven't blogged in four months. Four long, arduous months. Which sounds great in my head, because it seems like I've been working my ass off with college coursework and practicals that I haven't really found the time to even look up from my copy of Prescott's Microbiology, Eighth Edition. But when I really look back, all I seem to have done is marvel at how symmetrical, how shiny Bryan Cranston's head is in Breaking Bad.
So not much, really. Eh.


Well, college is closed now. I have about 20 days of vacation left before the next semester starts, and absolutely nothing to do. The brother has school, so I have the entire house to myself.
No entrances to study for.
I can totally wake up late and go to sleep late.
Eat everything.
Bake a cake, ice it, and then eat that too.
Impromptu Wes Anderson movie marathon.

I imagine this is what living in paradise must feel like.

While I haven't been blogging, SO much has happened. A whole semester has flown by, and I'm still alive.
That is a cause for celebration by itself.