Monday, July 8, 2013

Abhi mood nahi hain.

Whoa. It's been quite a while since I keyed in in the address bar.
Well, it has only been a little over a month, but :insert something here about time flying like an arrow blah blah:

Quite a few things have changed. I would like to write about all of them in vivid detail, but for now let's just leave it at that.

Since my last post on this blog:
  • I've gotten out of High School and into College. Which is as hectic as ever, but it has its perks. 
  • We've adopted a cat from the animal shelter. It's been with us for over 3 months now, and it still doesn't have a name. Poor old no-name slob.
  • I visited the Andaman Islands.

If this wasn't the most unenthusiastic blog post in the history of forever, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

More on everything later.

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